Welcome to the Institute

Picture of the Institute
International Institute of Not Doing Much HQ at Crumpetworthy Park

Dear Visitor:

Congratulations on finding your way to this dusty corner of the internet. The International Institute of Not Doing Much has a deep commitment to doing very little. Don’t you think the world would be a better place if people just did less? Of course, you do. I can tell that you’re one of us already.

One little-known fact is that just by reading this page already you’ve become 12 percent more civilized, better-looking, and cultivated. Yes, you too, can get on the path, and with little effort, achieve not much. All of us here at Crumpetworthy Hall and beyond have been doing very little for years, and it suits us well.

As you can imagine, our sophisticated organization is only open to a select few. You, naturally, are welcome to join the International Institute of Not Doing Much, and so are your friends, and their friends, and friends of their friends. But for anyone else, the Institute is restricted. We have to keep up our rigorous standards.

Please look around and enjoy your visit.

Yours in slowness,


Office of the Secretary 
International Institute of Not Doing Much
Crumpetworthy Park 
Rompshire ROM 404B